I'm a 41 year-old police detective.

Over the past 10 years, I've let myself get overweight. Tired. Lazy. Unattractive. Boring.

It was easy--I had an excuse. I went back to school in 2002 and worked my way through a Master's degree from the University of Florida, Summa Cum Laude. Mostly, I carried a full-time course load in addition to my full-time job. And homicide callouts. And court overtime. And instructing at the police academy. You get it. I'm a Type A personality.

While I was busy perusing book after book and researching paper after paper, my ass got bigger and bigger. My pants size grew larger and larger. Meh...I'll fix that later. Well, guess what?

Later.....is NOW.

And, it's a hell of a lot easier putting the weight on than taking it off. Anyone who had gained and lost more than 20 pounds will tell you the same.

This is my journey to lose 35 pounds and compete in the closest thing to the Olympic Games offered in amateur sports. The 2011 World Police and Fire Games in New York City.

I have 5 months to lose the weight and train my body to compete against elite athletes from around the globe. I've seen the records and they're no joke. I'll have to swim faster than I did when I was 14 or 15 and broke county records in Maryland back in the 80's.

No luck necessary. I'm getting my fat ass into the pool.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Greedy bastards

So, AIG has dolled out millions to their corporate minions despite being given 180 billion in taxpayer money.  Their reasoning is based upon assumptions that the jugheads at the top of the ladder are "the best in the biz" and would otherwise walk away, effectively leaving AIG stranded and unable to function.   These bonuses are meant to quell any thoughts of abandonment and satiate the masses of upper-level white collar whiners.  


Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner took umbrage and told AIG's chairman Edward Liddy to renegotiate the deal.  Liddy declined and stated that AIG was legally obligated to go through with the payments.  Legally obligated because they were "promised" to the execs LAST YEAR.  

Last year, AIG was a huge player on Wall Street.  Now, they are on the brink of collapse.  How does a corporation with no capital, no equity, no stability and no balance have our federal government and America's taxpayers over a barrel?  Why are those appointed to speak for the masses being such pushovers?  What's the worst thing that can happen?  AIG takes a dive and people lose more money?  I think we, the people, are pretty used to that at this point.  

I'm sick and tired of my hard-earned money going into the pockets of these scam artists.  We need to open our eyes.  I just want to live my middle-class life and have some fun along the way.  These bastards already have more money than God.  Our values must change.  Instead of emphasizing who has what, we should be focusing on who helps who.  

There was another Liddy in history who, by the way, was also an asshole.  Gordon Liddy, the mastermind of the Watergate burglary.  

If I ever get a pit bull, I'm naming it Liddy.  Or better yet, a hog.  

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