I'm a 41 year-old police detective.

Over the past 10 years, I've let myself get overweight. Tired. Lazy. Unattractive. Boring.

It was easy--I had an excuse. I went back to school in 2002 and worked my way through a Master's degree from the University of Florida, Summa Cum Laude. Mostly, I carried a full-time course load in addition to my full-time job. And homicide callouts. And court overtime. And instructing at the police academy. You get it. I'm a Type A personality.

While I was busy perusing book after book and researching paper after paper, my ass got bigger and bigger. My pants size grew larger and larger. Meh...I'll fix that later. Well, guess what?

Later.....is NOW.

And, it's a hell of a lot easier putting the weight on than taking it off. Anyone who had gained and lost more than 20 pounds will tell you the same.

This is my journey to lose 35 pounds and compete in the closest thing to the Olympic Games offered in amateur sports. The 2011 World Police and Fire Games in New York City.

I have 5 months to lose the weight and train my body to compete against elite athletes from around the globe. I've seen the records and they're no joke. I'll have to swim faster than I did when I was 14 or 15 and broke county records in Maryland back in the 80's.

No luck necessary. I'm getting my fat ass into the pool.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Hilarious response to the bigots at the National Organization for Marriage.  

Brilliant!  Credit to The Huffington Post, Lizz Winstead.  

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Amazon~ You're doin' it wrong.

So, Amazon.com thought it would be a prudent move to shove all GLBT themed books into the "smut" aisle along with porn and other "adult" material.  Hmm.  This also changed the way the search engine acquires book title results and the way sales are counted.  Not that authors rely on sales or anything...

In the past, I have made many, many purchases through Amazon, including ridiculously expensive textbooks.  Until this is resolved appropriately, I will use another avenue for my literary needs.  

I hope everyone who reads the blog posts, Twitter updates and news site bashings of this horrible decision does the same.  

Who makes these decisions anyway???? If you hadn't thought about boycotting, at least think about that---somebody making decisions about what's right FOR you.  

Friday, April 10, 2009

20/20 "If I Only Had A Gun"

Watching this fascinating documentary of ordinary citizens, kids and guns.  I have had hundreds if not thousands of hours of training and I am stunned at the brazenness of some of the younger ones.  I am convinced that video games and some movies and television have created some sense of immortality in these kids.  

Although I carry a gun everywhere I go, I do so with the understanding that I have (I hope) muscle memory from my hours at the gun range and the mental attitude to carry through with any actions I might have to take to protect myself or another person.  A gun does NOT make you safer unless you have the training and survival skills to go along with it.  

Please, please...if you have a concealed weapons permit, take the time to re-train yourself with an experienced professional.  If you choose to carry a gun, do so with great care and remember that retreating is never cowardly if you're in a losing battle.  

Distance.  Cover.  Concealment.  Training.  Training.  Training...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Have you seen the new anti-gay marriage ads?

If you haven't and you're not prone to convulsive vomiting caused by immeasurable douchebaggery, I offer you the link to the audition video.

Here is the link to the actual commercial by The National Organization for Marriage created with those incredibly talented actors.  I smell Mobius Award...

Amazingly, during wartime- economic meltdown-rueful real estate market-North Korean nuke firing-iceberg melting-global stock crisis-it's the gays, once again, who are at the forefront of the Republican dossier.  Well, in the face of all the hype, I want to thank Vermont and Washington D.C., (surprisingly) who both now recognize gay marriage.  

I'm truly NOT a political ranter by nature, but this kind of shit in the face of the plethora of issues facing each and every person in this country just galls me to no end.  

Okay...off my soap box and back to my soaps.  

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Obama waiting for the right moment to push gay rights agenda

The Atlantic, my favorite news source besides MSNBC, has reported that President Obama is waiting for the Senate to confirm John Berry as the head of the Office of Personnel Management before pushing the promises he made during his campaign.  Berry will be the highest-ranking openly gay administration official and being in charge of all federal H.R. could create a push for same-sex benefits at that level.  If the trickle-down effect rings true, perhaps benefits for homosexual couples could become compulsory...? 

See the whole article